Originally Posted by Nightfall
Originally Posted by Torgon
However, what we're arguing is about the relative strength of various strategies for this weak nation.
To be fair my original statement was that MA Man is, at present, easily the best nation to play a bless strategy with in CBM 1.92 MA.
That has kind of gotten lost by the fact that it hasn't been addressed in that context; being that none of the bless nations in MA are considered top tier.
True. So the other bless nations might be:
Mictlan (while good is not EA or LA mictlan)
Bandar Log
Eriu (commanders only)
Am I missing any? So is Man a better bless nation than these guys? None are as limited magically as Man so they don't have that handicap. I think it may be somewhat questionable to claim that man is a "better" bless nation than these guys.