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Old March 28th, 2012, 04:52 PM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by shatner View Post
Plus, it really doesn't feel like the AI knows how to play this game, so I'm often playing against indie-mobs and opponents who flail around more-or-less at random.
The AI within Dom_3 is also poor, despite the vast amount of updates to this game over the years there's been virtually no improvements with the AI opponents. Sure there's been improvements with what happens during a battle, but not with the thinking/actions of the AI opponents themselves. I mean since Dominions_2 the AI opponents still send their "pretenders" to the arena death match yet nothing has been done to fix it. That's just one of many examples.

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
It just looks like Homm without the fancy graphics and tactical combat, and more nation diversity.
I personally don't need fancy graphics having played games like dwarf fortress and nethack, but developer(s) should always take a step forward from any previous game they've released instead of a step backwards as seen within CoE_3.
Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
I don't assume CoE3 has stellar success market wise. I get it, IW develop what they feel like and that's great.
Actually there's many developers who have the "develop whatever they feel like" personality and create a game with almost zero research or customer input. My theory is because they are able to create games the sense of power gives many of them a 'know-it-all' way of thinking.

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Whatever they do, at least dom-III is in much much better state than MoM was when it was abandoned so I expect to keep enjoying it for years to come
Agreed, like many other great abandoned games Dominions_3 will forever exist on my computer along with a few others. One nice thing about Dwarf Fortress is the developer has made it his lifework... so it will continue to evolve. The Newb Pack has made it easy to add graphics and sound to the game.

He's also been planning to move towards 64bit and multi_threading which is a good sign he's thinking of a computer game for tomorrow... instead of the fading present.
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