Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (uploading pretenders)
Thorion woke up. He had refused to worship the Pantocrator, and the mad women had killed him for that. But he had known it all along. Hiding his heart in a jar, his kidneys in a box, his lungs in a chest and his liver in a crate, Thorion had made sure he would be safe from harm. And now, the Pantocrator was dead, while he survived. The raving women would have to worship someone else now. Once Thorion had persuaded the Pans, they would forget their dead god and worship him instead. In fact, once the bullmen were his, all the females would follow: Maenads, harpies, dryads, would all obey the bullmen, and the bullmen would obey Thorion.
Convincing the Pans wouldn't be difficult. They shunned humans, they feared the iron weapons that men started forging. They wanted a leader to unite Pangaea against the outer world. Thorion would be that leader.