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Old March 28th, 2012, 11:37 PM
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Running

I guess it's not a spoiler since you can tell from the score graphs, but I guess all I can safely say is that I have gotten more than my share of unlucky events (including a shark attack second turn that wiped out my income)... and that's not even the worst of my troubles.

This game is nothing but an exercise in frustration and I'd really rather be doing pretty much anything else. It doesn't help that I've started a new job and playing a completely-not-fun game out of sheer duty is hardly a priority. Going AI though would just hand all the water provinces to R'lyeh on a silver platter and be unfair to everyone else.

It's interesting though that all of my first three games suck. I've had horrible starts in this one and ALearningExperience that pretty much doom me, and through no fault of my own. My start in WhatCouldGoWrong was my "best", in a sense that the worst random **** that happened to me was having the bad luck of building my first castle on a disease-causing site and finding nothing of use anywhere else while other nations somehow get vastly improved gem income and who knows what else -- and there I'm getting dogpiled due to player shenanigans.

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