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Old March 29th, 2012, 05:39 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Paralyze vs Stellar Cascades

Originally Posted by Corinthian View Post
As anyone with thugs that have ever failed to bless themselves despite the distance being zero, knows. The formula in the manual is wrong.
That's not a matter of Precision, but of how the AI picks targets and how the AoE spread works.
In short, instead of picking the sacred thug to target, it tries targeting several random units and picks the first one where the AoE spread in its test casting includes the thug. The AoE spread in the actual casting does not necessarily hit the same squares. This is not necessarily a bad idea when you have multiple sacred units to bless, since it picks a target that has a chance of getting more units with one casting: think a non-blessable target surrounded by blessable ones.

The simple evidence for this is that bless will never miss a single thug alone on his side of the field. If he brings an ally or if the enemy reaches him before he casts (fliers!), it can miss.
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