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Old March 29th, 2012, 11:23 AM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: HappyKatanakka - MA Game Underway

Unfortunately, the game page links are set when you upload the map or mod into llamaserver. Specifically it asks for the shrapnel forum post# of the map or mod to create those links. I screwed up during the upload and posted the thread number, which is the more obviously visible number (you have to kind of dig to get the post#), which means those links are flat out wrong. However, you can't edit uploaded data in llamaserver; I could upload another copy of the mod with a different name, as well as another copy of the map with a different name and set the post#s correctly this time... but that would further complicate matters by having two MA Jomonv1.2 and two Realm of Many Tomatoes-Fixed files floating around.

Also, now that the game has started, I couldn't change the game to use the new links to the newly uploaded, duplicate files even if I wanted to. Sorry, it was ultimately my screw up and we're pretty much stuck with it now. However, the invision thread (which is linked to in the game's description) as well as the various development threads for MA Jomon (also linked to in the game's description) contain all the information I passed on to you. Really, you should ignore the game page's links entirely and look to the game description for your info instead... as well as posting in this thread and PMing the admin.
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