Originally Posted by Immaculate
I don't think so now that i learned that they don't get their heads back. stupid zmey; Grow that nub!
Lol. This is the funniest "zmey is/isn't OP" thread so far.
Originally Posted by bbz
yep. Plus they can have amulet of the werewolf dealing with morale problems, and you still have 2 misc slots for resistances/ or amulet of MR.
(not to mention that the chances of amulet of the werewolf being picked up is 100% so even if you win a battle against a zmey with your army, you have to say bye bye to one of your mages (and that's just a nice side effect))
Lychantropos' amulet is easily the magic item I hate most. If I could make one change to CBM magic items I'd increase the cost of this cursed (literally) item to 10 gems.
The worst part of fighting of fighting zmeys is that they usually have it equipped.