Originally Posted by Shangrila00
So you were just making up your own nonsensical definition of "better magic"?
Not only did you, once again, leave out an important word, but your lack of comprehension is not my problem.
Originally Posted by Shangrila00
Originally Posted by Nightfall
Originally Posted by Shangrila00
Due to lack of blessers, Man can't even translate a high bless into notably faster indy expansion the way Mictlan can, unless it wastes half its year 1 capital recruitment on otherwise worthless priests.
It will expand faster than Mictan, without any attrition, and you should only need 2 lord wardens from the capital before your second fort takes over... Less if your a little lucky and get an indy priest province.
Do learn to read, preferably without making up your own definitions. There will be indy priests in your cap circle pretty much guaranteed. That's not the problem.
I'll just fix that quote for you so the outright lie is more obvious.