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Old March 30th, 2012, 11:12 AM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Link Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Introductions, early game posturing underway)

A few words about me.

I'm playing Pangaea, which I never used in MP.
I've been playing since dom2, and have lost several dom3 games since.
Interestingly, I won one with Helheim and totally disagree with the statement of the Helheim player in this game: "nations that can sit around and research a lot and don't necessarily have to get into an early war( ...) Helheim, on the other hand, is a highly-aggressive nation that wants to expand, expand, and expand some more, crushing everyone in its path". Just like, no. That's the reason why they get 25% forge bonus on their svartalfar in CBM 1.92 by the way. I complained in order to allow them to forge skull mentors, because that's the way Helheim got the best research in game before CBM -provided you boostrapped construction-.

I'd also like to add something to the description of Marverni units, the berserker ones.
Several Pangaea units, namely minotaurs, minotaur soldiers and maenads, also have berserking ability, so this is important for my nation too.
These units "gain strength, protection, morale, and attack, at the expense of defenses- they hit harder, more of the time, take a hit better, and NEVER break, but get hit more often.". But they also get an encumbrance penalty, so they tire faster. Which is why the carnute gets reinvig, by the way.

A few words about Pangaea now.

As I said, it's got berserking units.
All its other units are stealthy.
Not the naked madwomen though.
Its Pans have the special ability of being stealthy and generating unstealthy berserking naked women wherever they go provided the province has some turmoil.
Naked women = maenads.
The other special points of Pangaea include:
Carrion Woods. This is a high level N/D enchantment that kills everyone in my dominion to turn them into plant undead. It's really an either/or choice. Either I kill my own people to turn them into plant zombies, or I use more conventional ways to win. Heavy Death and Nature are required for this.
Cheap temples. 200 gold apiece only.
Micromanagement of hundreds of hundry naked women.
Blood sacrifice.
Maenad freespawn.

Also, either cheap ineffective researchers or expensive non sacred average researchers.
Finally, I may not have mentioned that Pans attract tons of naked berserking mad women that eat all the food in the land without requiring any upkeep.
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