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Old March 31st, 2012, 02:22 AM

jimbojones1971 jimbojones1971 is offline
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Running

Arco / Darlian seems to be submitting one turn in two at the moment, so he's staled three times in the last six turns.

Between that, the fact he hasn't really built an army, and has no provinces, I think its reasonable to assume that in effect he has quit the game. At this point, on turn 10 with provinces, turning him AI seems to be the go. If any one objects, AND can find a sub, we'll go with the alternative.

This is Sauro's first stale, but I see his provinces and army size are taking a hit so I assume there are clouds on the horizon for him. I think we need to keep an eye on the timer, and if it looks like another stale we'll pause and grab a sub.

In other news, I just found ANOTHER neighbor - my god, there are people EVERYWHERE! GAH!! CLAUSTROPHOBIA IS KICKING IN!!!
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