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Old March 31st, 2012, 12:47 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Man: A Bless nation in CBM 1.92?

Originally Posted by Torgon View Post
But does minimizing luck really = optimal? Just because you're minimizing luck doesn't mean you're maximizing the number of times you win.
I think minimizing luck was poorly phrased - it would have been better to say not relying on luck.

Perhaps more to the point: being able to change gears and not putting all your eggs in one basket. I mean, Man has some nice units - they're not like Mictlan where the sacreds are head and shoulders above the rest of the lineup (and where you can segue into excellent summons that require only blood slaves, not gems). Nightfall and I both used one level 9 bless and a pair of 4s in our builds. Changing his D9 bless to a D4 will buy him four scales (and still give a nice entry into D magic as well as combo path spells like hidden in sand and lamias). Changing my E9 to E4 would buy *6* scales - that will buy you a lot more mages (faster research, more combat magic) and a lot more of your other troops. Redirect some of those points to better magic diversity as desired.

So that's why I don't think a level 9 bless for Man is optimal. But it's certainly playable and fun and honestly things will get boring if everyone goes for scales/magic diversity/light bless builds.

This discussion is getting me interested in playing Man since they've got a significant stealth aspect (my favorite part of the game). I just don't know if I have the patience for dealing with old age on the crones...
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