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Old April 3rd, 2012, 04:55 AM
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Running

To add on the meta discussion; I would advocate for having a longer easter weekend instead of forcing people to turn for subs so early. How about giving huge extension of interval in thu-fri, still keeping QH enabled? And, if the turns pile up fast and a new turn comes out, granting another extension under the same conditions.

For example I am stretched to my limits with the time in my hands, and I havent got really time to concentrate on my kingdom. And now some god damn Yomi moved into OUR territories inherited from our divine anchestors by divine right.
"Mikään ei voita reipasta sotilaallista meininkiä, paitsi vieläkin reippaampi sotilaallinen meininki."

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