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Old April 5th, 2012, 04:42 PM

Flop Flop is offline
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Default Re: MP: NoobTown - MA noob game Running)

I really wish someone would just knock me out of this game already.

But since no one has, I'm just going to chime in and say that I've also heard horror stories of roll backs ruining games. I have no idea how rare this is, and roll backs do still occur in many games. Anyway, in my opinion Torgon should be granted a roll back, if he feels it's important enough. Generally, though, I don't think a single staled turn should warrant a roll back. If you do decide to do a roll back, it's important, that Torgon does his turn in a gentlemanly fashion, not taking into account any moves the other players have made (obviously).

Also, as Nightbringer said, if the roll back does screw up the game, it should probably count as a victory for him (or Matty, I don't know who's leading).

That's just my two cents. Ultimately, it's up to you guys to decide.
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