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Old April 6th, 2012, 10:58 AM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: Pythium vs Ermor ?

Well, divine magic is very communion-friendly since it is fatigue-0. If you just have 4 communicants tag along and do nothing, all of your theurges are suddenly H4s and your archtheurges are H5s for high-damage, high-mr piercing, wide-area banishment spam. The point is, even if all you have are 8 theurges in your force, you should set the first two to cast communion slave and everyone afterwards to cast communion master so you've got the equivalent firepower of 6 archtheurges without having to have those old codgers leave the capital. If you have 4 or more slaves, have one of the masters cast Power of the Spheres for further path-boosting goodness.
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