Re: Solar Brilliance
I might, indeed, be misremembering. There was a time in this game series when the most dominating battlefield spells were the lesser elemental summons, and when 10 Pazuzu could take the field at the same time. The game has evolved a lot, and this mechanic might be one of the things that have changed, or maybe my memory just fails me.
That said, I did not take a guess. You presume too much, and your condescending tone is out of place.
What makes you think you are entitled to tell other posters when they can post or not? You are no moderator.
Besides, your argument is BS. If everybody had to run a test before posting an answer to an information request, the forums would just DIE, because nobody with a life can afford to waste so much time.
A throws a question. If B thinks he can answer, he does so. If C thinks B is wrong, he corrects B, and we all benefit from the debate. Following your line of reasoning, there would just be no debate, & no answers: A would get no answer, and B would still be in the wrong. Do you really want to be alone in the newsgroup, patting your own back?
Like it or not, we all speak from memory here, and there's nothing wrong in that.