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Old April 7th, 2012, 11:32 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Sub Needed: LA R'lyeh, Newbie Game

This is LL here, looking for another, however more permanent sub at this point.

We're looking for a player to fill in for LA R'lyeh, who has without warning stopped turning in turns, or responding to PMs. Because of that, we're in need of a more or less permanent sub for LA R'lyeh. At present, since our game has score graphs off, we have no way of telling fully how well he's doing, but the political situation for him is quite good, given that no nation is in a position to attack him (Atlantis being preoccupied with Ermor), and the remaining nations of the world cannot commit to the sea, busy embroiled in their own world.

If you are interested, please send me a PM.
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