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Old April 8th, 2012, 03:28 AM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Solar Brilliance

Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded View Post
Being a veteran doesn't protect you from making mistakes. I might as well be the most ancient player posting nowdays on these forums (apart from Gandalf), and I just made a mistake myself. Should I go chastise myself for it?
No, not at all. You didn't do anything wrong since you weren't just guessing at an answer and throwing something out there. You thought you knew the answer and figured you'd be helpful and answer the question. Turns out part of your answer was wrong but these things happen. I've spent *way* too much time reading these forums and even very good players will sometimes make mistakes.

Originally Posted by Wendigo_reloaded View Post
Besides, your argument is BS. If everybody had to run a test before posting an answer to an information request, the forums would just DIE, because nobody with a life can afford to waste so much time.
You know, one funny thing is Dominions players I think *do* tend to be testing fanatics. As mentioned above, I've never been overly concerned with learning every aspect of game mechanics but even I've spent huge amounts of time running through test scenarios (usually to see if a plan that I've come up with to counter an opponent will work).
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