Thread: Mod StaticGemGens 1.1
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Old April 8th, 2012, 07:30 AM
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Default Re: StaticGemGens 1.1

after some playtesting i concluded that Memento is right in some of his observations...

First, only 20 supplies for the astral gengen is too litle... i´m trying now 50 and 100 to see wich is better... i´m not too worried with supply itens as they would also increase the starting gem cost for the gengens and farm provinces would be the first place where you would seek astral gemgens.

Second, fire generators 20 gold/turn cost is considerable at the start of the game, when gold is still needed for troops... however, after gold becomes plentiful it becomes nearly irrelevant, so maybe a higher turn cost would be better... any ideas on a reasonable gold cost/turn?

Third, the earth gemgen appears to be more balanced than the other 2, and the patrolling scheme Memento mentioned would increase the cost for the generator...

Finally, any idea to better balance these generators? I really like Soyweiser idea and want to make it work in a balanced way...

Now the gemgens have the following costs:
- Mage time (all/once)
- Gems/Slaves (all/once)
- Extremely fragile (all) - 1hp
- Supplies (astral/monthly) - 50 or 100?
- Gold (fire/monthly) 20? 25? more?
- Unrest/Popkill (earth/monthly) - 5 unrest/10 popkill?

I will not release a variant until i have a version that is at least barely balanced, and, with Soyweiser permission, i would like to release it here, in his thread...
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