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Old April 9th, 2012, 10:39 AM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Game over, Atlantis wins)

Are you tired of your Demon Lords being trampled underfoot?

Have you been hurt by the mocking laughter of your opponents when they see your puny Elemental Royalty on the field?

Have you always felt ancient beings like the Tarrasque should be worthy of respect?

Do you believe any Giant Kraken worth its salt can wield a multitude of weapons with its tentacles and turn them into a vortex of destruction?

Have you always dreamed of incarnating a lobster pretender wearing a human for a hat?

If you can answer yes to these questions, then this is the game for you. We’ll be trying out the AwesomeGods and AwesomeEndgame mods, and leave your opponents Awestruck at the sight of the Awesome powers at your command, unable to sleep for fear of their nightmares. Prepare yourself, for the Dominion Wars will never be the same again…

Settings: All standard except for site frequency of 45

Mods: Fixed version of the OPM mob, comining CBM, AE, and AG. (Attached to this post, see below for description.)

Map: Fixed Riverlands Map.

Start: Next weekend if all goes well.

Important Houserule: Gift of reason should not be used on any of the freespawn from a pretender god. (Since with the Awesomegods mod some of them are mages of some power.)

Hosting: Relaxed pace. 24h quickhost to start with, but moving to longer times as needed.

Anything I have forgotten? Feel free to point out.

Winner: Amhazair (Atlantis)

Other players:

Executor (C'tis)
Skymoon (Marignon)
Tigerblood (Pangaea)
Admiral Aorta (Ermor)
Dojango (Pythium)
Kakarotto (T'ien Ch'i) - KeithZ taking over for the time being.
Himselfbh (Jomon)
Jotwebe (Abysia)
Ossa (Utgard)
Drillbit (Agartha)
StMika (Bogarus)
Tratorix (Midgard)
Soyweiser (Gath)

For those unfamiliar with them who want to know what the mod we're using is about, the basic idea for these mods is really to add various kinds of umph to the titanic figures of the Dominion Wars, the pretender gods and supercombatants.

For the pretenders this can mean giving them various kinds of summons or domsummons, magicboosts to various paths and/or various other tweaks, from the minor to the huge. Take a good look around when designing your pretender, as there’s likely to be at least a couple of changes that might give you a different idea about how to go about the game with the nation you chose. (And even if you go a familiar path there might be a tweak or two to found to improve it.)

For the Endgame mod the most eye-catching change might be the boosting of the elemental royalty to (almost?) ridiculous levels of power, (as well as similar-though-slightly-less spectacular changes to the tree lords, demon lords and spenta’s) but since they’re all unique I figure that should be okay, just giving a bit more spice and possibly a similar feel as the race for artifacts we’re all familiar with. In the end the easy availability of magic diversity summons in the form of tweaks to the wraith lord, the ancient kraken and even (gasp) the tarrasque might be more game changing though. Other changes include various tweaks to the EDG summons and (daring decision) making the chalice extremely expensive but non-unique so everyone has equal chances of growing a tartarian farm. (Of course, as George Orwell knows, some nations are more equal than others.)

This does make things different to what we're used to, and there's a couple of things of the AwesomeEndgame mod I'm unsure about, but I figure there's no harm in trying something different once in a while, right? (I'm unreservedly enthousiastic about the AwesomeGods mod though, just so you know.)

A fixed version of the mod is attached to this post, while an extensive readme of the AE and AG mods is copy/pasted a few posts down.
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Last edited by Amhazair; September 12th, 2012 at 01:22 PM..
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