Originally Posted by earcaraxe
in the early game he was conquering indies with adons using a super-bless E10W6F6N4
That's the most ridiculously expensive and stupid bless I've ever seen. W6 for an extra 3 def on an SC chassis?!? So that’s 170 points to negate 1.5 attacks. Awesome value!! And then another 170 points to get an extra 3 attack on a unit that doesn't struggle to hit.
I really love it when players take an absolutely atrocious build for a game, get trashed in 20 turns, and then complain about how rubbish a nation and/or mod is based on the game they just played. And never once looking at their own failings in both design and play style, or even think about blaming themselves in any way for a single moment. The other great thing about Ghoul's performance in that game is that Ghoul is well known for always having the worst Dominion and Research in every game he plays, but even so...
(these were the llamascores the turn Ghoul went AI as Ashdod)
LlamaServer Scores, Game_of_Dorian turn 21
Nation Research
Independents 0
Ermor 655
Pythium 305
Mictlan 757
Abysia 1472
Shinuyama 1191
Ashdod 36
Eriu 1524
How is it possible to have done just 36 points of research by turn 21? I mean seriously, how the hell is that even possible. You hire a mage turn 1, set it to research, and that single mage alone will have generated 100rp by turn 21. So WTF?!? To have done just 36rp you would literally have to be sending out every mage you ever recruit every turn. Christ any and every nation in the game is unplayable if you trash your scales to take a pointless bless, on top of intentionally doing no research at all ever. If anyone plays like this then they seriously need to go back to SP games and learn the very basics of how to play.
And I just tried a quick and messy test game as Ashdod. By turn 12 I had 19 provinces, 3 forts and however many expansion armies I wanted. I took a Dormant Master Druid with A1W1E9N4 (you don't need more bless than that) and Dom5 O3P1H4G0Mis2M1, with 54 points remaining (so points left for more scales or Dom or Magic Div). I don't see why I wouldn't get that in a MP game if I wanted (note that's a big if!). I expanded no problem with almost no losses (Indy 5) using a mix of small armies of Gileadites backed with Indy archers when needed.
Ashdod is in no way weak at all, and in most cases have all the options available now that they did before. If you can't get a decent game with Ashdod then there's something wrong with your play. Sure they can and likely will be in danger of ganging, due to players knowing about Ashdod's mid-late game potential. But I can't see why they are more or less likely to be ganged than the other top nations in the game. As that is the danger (or should be the danger in a sensible game) of playing top tier nations.
Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X
Since we cant alter the consciousness of the community, at least parts of 1. (nerfstick) should be reversed.
Please don't tell me you have any important responsibilities in life, because that is one of the stupidest bits of logic I have even seen. "We've gone a long way to solving the problem, but people are unaware of what we've done, and how we've tried addressing the problem. Therefore we should undo all the fixes we made, just accept the problem, and never try to fix it ever again."
Originally Posted by Memento
Can we potentially add 25% blood on mictlan priests? Currently, with the elimination of SDR and tlahuepulchi cost increase, the only effective way to blood hunt as mictlan is to use their cap only mages - and since Mictlan is all about blood it seems to be pretty ineffective.
Just my 2 cents
I agree completely. Removing SDR's has made Mictlan UNPLAYABLE! and they have been completely overnerfed as a result of the CBM changes. Mictlan were one of the weakest nations in the game to begin with, and I can not see them ever winning a game again, or even getting to turn 20, unless their priests get B3 minimum. As using cap mages to bloodhunt is an exploit, and it's impossible for Mictlan to summon any hunters who are efficient or cheap. Therefore the nation is now worthless IMO (which is the correct opinion). Plus removing hammers has not helped them in any way. Indeed it has made them far worse compared to other nations.