Re: Nap-3
About when the nap-3 expires my view of it is the same as mattyburn7. For any case to keep the fight clean I send a message to my enemies when I declare the nap saying:
We can issue attack orders on turn X.
I personally consider having spies in your territory is a violation.(there is no way he is sedning those spies without a malicious thoughts). Another thing I consider a nap breaker is anonymous attacks(that is if you are pretty sure who they came from (say getting 3 commanders mind hunted when there is only 1 astral nation left)).
Also I consider direct overcast of a global spell that you have cast a break of the nap.(dispel of your global as well).
As well as evey thing that has a malicious effect on your Nation.
Also some spells that have negative effect or are sure to make the other nation win are considered by people nap-breakers(Astral corruption, Burden of time, Arcane nexus, Forge of the Ancients/Ulm, Utterdark).
I wouldn't consider that a nap-breaker if someone overrides a random global of yours casting another one(since the process is random) unless you are the one that have all the global slots used (but in that case you are crying to get ganked by every neighbour of yours).
It would be nice to let the guy that you are going to have nap-3 know what nap-3 for you is by sending him some sort of more detailed description of your understanding of it(but no one does that).
Also I've found that generally people don't care if you break your nap(they wouldn't just attack you for that if you are stronger than them) But the knowledge that you broke a Nap would give them the freedom to brek their own with you since you are not thrustworthy.Thus if you break one nap assume that you broke all the others.(that of course will earn you a bad name and people wont't trust you in the future).