Originally Posted by mattyburn7
I am willing to concede or play on. Either way. There is no way I will win or deserve to win. Man has kicked my butt in every battle. Pythium destroyed me in the one and only battle and I couldn't finish him off. I have no doubt Abysia would too!!
To me it was a battle between Man and Abysia. I will concede unless you want some target practice in which case I promise to fight the best that I can.
Okay, if there are no objections I'll shut the game down tonight, since I suspect that's what Flop would prefer.
Was good to play with both of you, and thanks for the game.
Sorry I went for you first Flop, but Strands of Arcane Power was always the core of my strategy this game, and I had to get rid of those archtheurges before I could put it up.