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Old April 12th, 2012, 08:04 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remainin

True that. You have no chance of victory and those are your choices. But it's still a bad philosophy, imo at least.
At this point you and a few more players could actually stop that leading nation. (I'm talking general here, not just TC related)
In the process you'll gain some experience, have more fun fighting it out with the big fish, learn some new tricks and perhaps even have the pleasure of eliminating the top contender and stay a bit longer than you would have normally.
The other option is to sit back and rot not really doing anything until that big fish comes to gobble you up, which is usually the case.

I at least love to fight the big ones, even when death is certain, for competitiveness sake.
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