Re: MA P'ktal - Neogi Dominion v1.1
I like your mod! Looks like a fun nation to play!
A few thoughts:
-As Juzza said, more slaves would be good! After all, these guys are supposed to be like R'leyh on land. If they live in caves, maybe have something like enslaved agarthans? That could be cool... I also agree with Juzza that the slaves should be chaffier- drop the armor.
-Old Masters are supposed to be deteriorating mentally and physically as they succumb to the poison, so I think they should have old age.
-Some of your nation-specific pretenders have base dominion 5. That's unprecedented among pretenders of all other nations, so I think it's too high. Most of them should have 3 or 4.
-Is Dark Power 20 on the shadow hulks a mistake? That's a crazy number! Even shadows, which are made of darkness, and Mandehas, which excrete darkness, have darkpower 2-3. If you want to give shadow hulks more it's ok, but it should stay in the single-digits. Otherwise they are much too good as SC killers.
I wish you good luck, and I look forward to seeing where this mod goes!