I'll probably forget something but:
- SpriteGen gets a x/y sliders for mount offsets. This is purely cosmetical and meant to help getting mount sprites to correct places. Won't happen for other items for now because that's slightly more problematic.
- UnitGen accepts seeds. It should theoretically generate the same set of nations if you create a mod with same amount of nations and
- Item #skipchances have been replaced with the #basechance commands which work like filters, ie if you don't specify anything item's weigth for randomizing is 1, if you specify something, that is used. And item has chance of weight/(all weights) to be chosen.
- Tweaks. Bonus weapons seemed somewhat broken so I fixed them. Also gave Abysians a special feature which should make bonus weapons on them more common even with a bit heavier armor.
- Only tengu commanders and sacreds get the lightning strike. This is a special racial command too and customizable
- Added settings.txt where you can edit some settings. More editable stuff will probably come eventually.
- Added a pile of mounts for humans by Ragnarok-X
EDIT: Sacred commanders should also be able to get H1 occasionally.
It crashes occasionally (but is very usable anyway since it isn't that common) on generation, gonna fix it later.