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Old April 13th, 2012, 05:52 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: communion mechanics

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
Also, having slaves with natural regen, or throwing in a master that casts personal regeneration upps the survivability of your slaves a lot. If they get over 200 fatigue, the hp damage gets healed away.

Also, if you summon earthpower, the slaves will get the reinvigoration even without having earth magic themselves.

Of course mistform, air shield and mirror image raise the survivability of your slaves a great deal.
You're forgetting the most important spell for communion, Reinvigoration. Removes all fatigue from a communion, all fatigue, which is absolutely awesome. It's a blood spell, however, so remember that (so if you have a blood mage that can enter a communion via sabbath, do it).

Works especially well with reverse communions, where the goal is buffing your slaves with PotS and other spells so they can all cast evocations. If you're say Bogsrus, form a reverse communion with as many A2S1 guys that you can (since it's Bogarus, 30+ mage communions are fairly easy to make), have couple masters (at the end of the turn order, since if a master casts before a slave, the slave won't cast [I learned this the hard way, hahah]) cast buffs from Mistform to PotS to Earthpower to whatever battlefield spells you need (Flaming Arrows, whatever), and script reinvigoration in alternation on Diabloists or Starets (because reinvig needs master fatigue to cast). Watch as you rain dozens of thunderstrikes, Gifts, Falling Fire, Magma Eruptions, Astral Fires, whatever you desire, and decimate the enemy army, all with pretty much nonexistent fatigue.
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