Thread: Nap-3
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Old April 13th, 2012, 09:42 PM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: Nap-3

Originally Posted by legowarrior View Post
Personally (although I NEVER play it this way, cause it isn't widely accepted) I'd like to have the NAP 3 to mean that I give you three turns warning that I will break the truce (following Mattyburn's explanation in the beginning of the thread) but that my opponent is free to strike at me ASAP. After all, I'm the one wants to break the NAP, and much like breaking a contract, the party breaking the NAP must pay for the consequences. Now as soon as my opponent strikes me, or 3 turns are up (which ever comes first) war begins.

Again, this is not the consensus in this forum, and I don't play that way, but I think it makes breaking NAPS a slightly riskier play, and makes it harder to double cross other people. Than again, I'm a nice guy.
How you can look at it is: Every month after you agreed to a NAP-3 you sign it over and over again unless stated otherwise and that means that there won't be any aggressive actions for 3 months. And when you decide to stop signing that treaty. The 3 month period starts expiring for real.
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