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Old April 14th, 2012, 03:41 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Power Beyond Comprehension aka "My power is still raising!" newbie game - Running

Originally Posted by megawidget View Post
Originally Posted by BewareTheBarnacleGoose View Post
Atlantis, I have reports that you have 2 wild ettins in province 6. You don't have any native nature mages, and your pretender is a kraken like mine, so Im guessing you didn't summon them. So Im assuming you bought them from that bugged site. I realize that the initial game post didn't specify this, but that is widely perceived to be an exploit. I certainly consider it to be.

Personally, I think you should not recruit any more, and try to find a way to suicide the ones you have. But if other people think it's ok, then I guess you could keep them, though I wouldn't be very cool with that.
Exactly. The initial game post didn't specify this. Frankly, I knew it was a bug but I wouldn't consider that an "exploit" anymore than using an alteration site to wish for gems an "exploit".

What do the rest of the players think, however?

The free Ettin's are clearly a mistake caused by a typing error in the CBM mod. Free Ettin's are not intended to be available from magic sites in any way, and comparing them to anything else that is intended to be in the game is simply ridiculous. Regardless of how powerful you think what you are comparing it to might be. Plus the barrier to entry between using an Alt site for Wish and recruiting free Ettins is as wide as the universe itself.

And the fact that you know it's a bug and yet decide to exploit it anyway marks you out as an out and out cheating douchebag in my books.

Edit - You've made the HoF. Congrats! --

Last edited by Calahan; April 14th, 2012 at 03:49 AM..
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