Originally Posted by Immaculate
yeah- my best defenses didn't hold and it was about to go from 2vs1 to 3vs1.
I really didn't have any answer to your army set-up Torgan. i think that maverni, especially the way you played them, are very good at taking out yomi.
So yeah, i went AI- figured it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway.
Yep. I'm actually not really sure how I'd counter what I was doing as yomi. A pack of level 3 priests plus 4 or 5 level 5 priests is going to absolutely ruin your best forces. And the other option of switching away from demons and to conventional forces isn't a great one either as marv's troops win without much of a contest against bakemono and bandits.
Only thing I might have done differently is research targets. You had construction 4, but that alone really isn't enough to make Dai Oni scary. They just die with a bunch of gear on.
I might have gone for some evoc w/ a little conj first. A bunch of Hannya's and Dia Oni's hurling fireballs and flares with phoenix power would have put a pretty big dent in my army. Alternatively you could have raced up Enchantment for skeli spam and flaming arrows. Skelli spam probably wouldn't have overwhelmed my troops, but it would have distracted mages from your expensive demons. And flaming arrows w/ bakemono archers is pretty devastating.