Re: Nap-3
Actually, I really like Vanguard's idea (the Non-Aggression Pact that lasts 3 turns.) Maybe call it a 3-NAP. As mentioned in this thread, the NAP-3 really hamstrings you as an attacker, as you lose the advantage of prior preparation. With the 3-NAP (or 5-NAP, 10-NAP, whatever), you have a period of safety, but the lurking possibility of war. The X-NAP would force you to renegotiate extensions at the end of the agreement, which could be very interesting. For example, perhaps my more powerful neighbor wants to renew/extend the expiring X-NAP, but given his apparent ability to crush me, he demands a certain well-situated border province. While you could have this conversation in a NAP-3 (I'll declare war in three turns if you don't cede the province) I'm not sure that conversation is in the spirit of the agreement.