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Old April 17th, 2012, 02:26 PM

mattyburn7 mattyburn7 is offline
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

I'm alive too. Just shy. Its been a fun game. its ashame Patala and the first R'lyeh player didn't quite get it together but c'est la vie.

I'm enjoying sparring with LL. a true gentleman as well as a very very strong player.

Its a good group to play with, but most of the games on here have been.

Of course. there are other strong nations out there also.

Also: LL is starting a new LA game. There may be a few openings left. I've grabbed Abysia. Was thinking Chelms or Midgard but they got taken. S'ok though, I was indecisive. Ermor is still open over there if anyone wants it. As well as Bogarus if anyone wants to play the nation you hear so much about on this board.
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