Thread: Nap-3
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Old April 17th, 2012, 03:18 PM

mattyburn7 mattyburn7 is offline
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Default Re: Nap-3

I'm really glad this post came up. I had a lot of these questions (Particularly regarding stealthy combat troops, spies and ritual spells) and it appears that different players consider non-direction aggression differently.

Probably most important thing is if you aren't sure, then clarify it ahead of time. Especially if you are playing someone with stealthy troops who could plant a big surprise.

I don't want to go to far off-topic but one other area of contention I've seen is with rollbacks. My personal philosophy is that sometimes in war bad luck happens and just missing a turn or having the Game engine do some bizarre/broken or anything else that may suggest a rollback is just that. A random act that was bad luck. In other words I would say never a rollback(perhaps the chess player in me. Touch it, you move it. Hand lets go and it stays there). I do understand and respect the frustration when you've worked hard in a long game only to be undone not by a human opponent but the misfiring of bits and bytes. Also I've heard some vets say: Never do a rollback as it can screw the game up.

So what I'm really suggesting in my ramblings is that perhaps at the start of a new game a policy is set so there is no question should the situation arise. Either no rollbacks, or a rollback under these conditions. That way if the situation does arise there is no question either way.

time to go back to work. ugh.!
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