Originally Posted by mattyburn7
In other random news:
-Pangaea continues to fight both Midgard and Marignon
-Ermor is massing about 3000 troops that have full bellies of Monkey brains. Looks like Abysia is trying to hold them off.
-Weather has gotten awfully nice here. Allergies are killing me though.
-My boys just turned 4. WooHoo.
-I hate printer issues. If I had to deal with those all day I'd become a hermit or a monk.
-Having a blast playing MP. Where was this when I was younger and actually had time on my hands!
-I bet there are no allergy issues in Ermor.
-Keep looking at the world a little bit askew
-Need to learn more about lutefisk.
Some of this data is a bit off.
-Ermor is massing about 8,000 troops, and has another 5,000 nearby. On the other hand, Abyssia is pretty good at chaff clearing, so who's winning this war is actually kind of questionable.
-You don't need to learn more about lutefisk. You don't want anything to do with lutefisk. Screw lutefisk.