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Old April 18th, 2012, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Flop View Post
I'm just glad you guys are making these mistakes so I won't have to.

(although I probably will, anyway)
Since we're talking mistakes and this is a newbie game, I could really use some help to figure out what I screwed up my not-so-brilliant defense of my pretender, El Gato Grande, who is currently in Kitty heaven.

I had scripted the following orders for him:
  1. Power of the Spheres
  2. Body Ethereal
  3. Resist Magic
  4. Summon Earthpower
  5. Solar Brilliance

The first four spells went off without a hitch, but the critical 5th spell did not for some reason. Here is what his orders looked like:

And what he looked like right before the 5th cast:

Solar Brilliance is a level 5 astral spell with 200 fatigue, but El Gato had 9 in astral after POS, so it would have only cost him 40 fatigue to cast.

What did I do wrong?
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