Originally Posted by Stagger Lee
Originally Posted by Calahan
"Well then cast Flames from Afar/Murdering Winter/Assasian spells/Wish for Armageddon/etc. ie. Do whatever you can to kill what's in the fort."
The thing is, Cal, when one thing is removed, sometimes unintended consequences occur. Without those vast ever-replenishing resources, I believe assasians have become OP.
water bottle, phantasmal warrior, frozen heart, body ethereal/spells, rise skelleton, vine arrow(not as effective as other paths), entangle + 1 troop at guard commander , blind, bleed. And the most important outwitting your opponent, if he thinks that you are going to storm the castle, he will send his assassins, so instead of waiting for 1 turn(storming with the usual scout first), wait for 2 turns and storm on the third scripting your mages so that they can be safe against assassins on turn 2. When you kill the assassins storm the casle.