Thread: Info Blood stones and MR
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Old April 18th, 2012, 11:34 AM

BewareTheBarnacleGoose BewareTheBarnacleGoose is offline
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Default Re: Blood stones and MR

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
Everything is priced with Hammers, because the game is better with Hammers, I only intend to play games with Hammer, so therefore I am using Hammer prices. And people who claim Hammers have the same negative effects on gameplay that Gem Gens do are almost as clueless as those who say Gem Gens are fine. As there is no way they can be compared directly like people tend to do.
Since Im the one who mentioned hammers, let me clarify that I didn't say that hammers were game breaking, just that I felt the game was better off without them. I totally understand that saving gems with hammers is a completely different animal than increasing gem income to insane levels with gem gens. My comment was that hammers, like gem gens, are too valuable to ignore in games that allow them- as you said, forging costs seem to assume hammers. Since you would have proportionately higher gem expenditure without them, nations without earth access MUST either take it on their god, or trade for hammers. I don't like this necessity, or the fact that any one item should be essential in the game, so I support CBM's decision to remove them.
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