Originally Posted by mattyburn7
That is a huge fault of mine. I hate to ask questions.
Honestly I was unsure about the whole stealthy spy, assassin, combat unit thing so I just decided to do scouts only to be safe. Live and Learn! and as you mentioned. Ask Questions!
Theoretically, it's all fine (provided you aren't discovered).
Realistically, it varies from player to player, and you'll want to hammer these things out beforehand. If you forget to explicitly state it (i.e. no sending in stealth units during the NAP/its expiration clause), then always assume that the other player will likely do so (and patrol religiously on your border to prevent infiltration). If you haven't stated it before, then an NAP is generally pretty wide open to anything that isn't openly/directly aggressive towards you (i.e. overcasting a global of yours, discovering spies and remotes that they're sending at you, blood sacrificing on your border).