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Old April 19th, 2012, 03:38 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Mid and Late-Game Prophets

What sort of commander do you like to make into a mid or late game prophet?

If you make your starting scout or commander your prophet, eventually they are going to buy the farm. Good agricultural land is surprisingly cheap in dominions 3. But then what? Another scout seems wasteful. I’ve seen some impressive prophets out there but I also think that sometimes it may be wasteful to make particular units a prophet because they have so much other good magic going for them.

Now, obviously, if you cannot get Holy 3 units (maybe you have no access to communions or H2 priests and crystal shields or whatever), then maybe you need an H3 for divine blesses and a scout will do you just fine, but I feel that’s a minority of cases and its probably worth looking into other options.

So what do you like to use?

Personally, I like wraith lords and vampire lords due to their immortality- you want your prophet in your dominion so he gets the attribute bonuses and you definitely want your immortals in your dominions so they don’t die a permanent death so there’s some synergy there. But there must be better options.
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