Originally Posted by NTJedi
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Keep trying to turn it into something else and tell them how to do it so that you dont have to ask nicely. Thats ok with me. I no longer have to water it down to try and get it implemented so you can sit here and rant all you care to. 
It's not about giving into rants, it's about objectively deciding what's best for the software or in this case the game. As referencing my last example... even if a rude, foul mouthed, snobbish merchant arrived offering to magically enchant training equipment then it's wise to take the merchants offer. Any king or software developer has made unwise decisions when allowing his anger or ego or personality to block "good ideas". No matter how it's delivered... a good idea is still a good idea. Another more simple example would be diamonds... a 2K diamond deep in the mud and animal waste is still extremely valuable.
So your argument is that any person has done it, but they shouldnt do it, so you should be able to continue insulting them while presenting your ideas? And that means they should read, and consider, and be willing to appear to cave in to your expertise?
Oh yeah. I can see that. That argument would apply to any "they" I know. Unless of course I know them personally. Then of course, I cant think of anyone who would do that at all. Even the wimpiest person that I know who is usually willing to acknowledge that he knows nothing, no I cant even see him doing it if the challenge was made publicly.
Im not even sure if the ones I know who have totally sold-out to the corporate man (which some consider such a pre-requisite that they will argue that case first in order to make the second one)