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Old April 19th, 2012, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns 1-3)

Fomoria: Better used budget giants!

When I joined this game I thought it would be a great opportunity to get some practice writing stuff. So why dont I start? Inertia!

Oh well. Here is something at least.

Welcome to New Formoria! A land of huge, one eyed giants and their goat-headed offspring.

Currently this land is in disarray and chaos, the property bubble have burst and the national economy is in depression.

This was not always the case though. Before, during the early reign of the previous Pantokrator, they were living on a beautiful island called the Isle of Balor and they were prosperous and happy. But then disaster struck! The island was invaded by foreigners known as the Nemedians. At first, the Nemedians caught the Fomorians by surprise and was winning, but old King Balor conjured up a plague to strike the Nemedians and this changed the course of the war. Both friends and enemies were devastated by the plague, but eventually it resulted in Fomorias victory.

The Pantokrator was not pleased however. He had earlier put a ban on the use of biological weapons and his wrath was boundless! He cursed the Fomorians with hideous deformities and because of that, they now only have one large eye in the middle of the face. The full effect however, was not felt until the Fomorians were driven of the island by a group of international loan sharks that preyed up on the fact that in the chaos of the war, the Fomorians could not pay their mortages. The Pantokratorian courts then took their island as collateral. Both Fomorians and Nemedians, -who had discovered that they had been played for fools,- were forced to settle in what had once been the Formorians summer homes on the main continent.

The bankers renamed the island: Tory island, in honor of their Tartan master. (No! Really!: )

But the tragedy did not end there. Only once they settled in their new lands and had offspring did the full effect of the curse become apparent. Their children were born stunted and afflicted, and almost all of them were cursed with goat heads. The pantokrator was one vengeful bastard.

Today, the giants of Fomoria are a sorry lot. They can mainly be found hanging inside the giant pub, moping. Or outside the pub were they practice their dangerous games of drunken javelin punting were they shoot javelins with their feet.. Made even more dangerous by the fact that they have no dept perception anymore. In the Pub they vent their frustrations and make ineffectual promises to one day recapture their home island, now that the Pantokrator is gone. Aaany day now Balor will lead us back in victory they say. But no one knows were the old man has disappeared to or when he will return.
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