Thread: A few questions
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Old April 21st, 2012, 02:57 PM

Boksi Boksi is offline
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Question A few questions

I've played this game for a bit but I'm still very new to it. The wiki has been a great help, but it doesn't answer everything and it's down at the moment. So I have a few questions I'm hoping you can answer:

1: If a commander has a ranged weapon and none of his troops do, does 'attack archers' target him?

2: When summoning Claymen, do picks in both water and earth increase the number of Claymen, or is it just water? And for that matter, what exactly is the formula for how many Claymen you get?

3: What's better for MA Agartha, a major water bless or a major fire bless? Because I was thinking a water bless would help their golems more, but a fire bless would help their recruitable sacreds, especially for using Ancient Ones as thugs.
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