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Old April 22nd, 2012, 02:40 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]

If you send in two .2h files for two (or more) different nations during the same turn, then you run the risk of getting a CD violation during hosting which results in one (or both) nations who used the same key being given a forced stale. Doesn't always happen, but you need to know the exact requirements to prevent it kicking in. (and the consequences of getting them wrong just isn't worth it)

So whenever a nation needs to be turned AI in a llamaserver game, it's best to post a thread or ask on IRC for a volunteer to do the AI turning. In this case though there's no need to look, as I'll do it since I'm passing. (mattburn7. I assume you are the admin, as such I'm sending you a PM with my email once I finish this).

Edit - PM sent. please let me know if you didn't get it (I got a forum time out error my end while sending, so not sure it got through to you as I didn't save the msg)

Edit 2 - Problem has been solved by Yomi's death. Move on.

Last edited by Calahan; April 22nd, 2012 at 02:52 PM..
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