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Old April 22nd, 2012, 03:44 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns 1-3)

Turn Three:
Every Breath You Take

As alluded to by Roland in the Helheim AAR, I did indeed get hit with a bad event on my capital, though not nearly as bad as his.

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Ultimately it leads to a substantial decrease in my income for the turn and I am forced to reduce taxes to 50% to compensate. Oh well… at least I didn’t lose nearly as much as he did. And… I do have slight misfortune scales so this sort of stuff is bound to happen sometimes.

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The battle against the barbarians goes much better. My ‘decoy’ scripting works nicely and I don’t lose a single unit. It doesn’t hurt that they fail their morale checks very early.

As a result, our capital has access to much more resources and I am able to expand the recruitment queue.

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I also recruit a single barbarian commander from our new province. I’ll use him to help ferry chariots around very soon.

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I also order an assault by our initial expansion party upon the province south of the one we just took.

There are many more barbarians here so I don’t believe we will do as well as we did with this turn’s battles. As it turns out, I will not be disappointed.
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