Thread: A few questions
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 03:54 PM

Legendary League Legendary League is offline
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Default Re: A few questions

Fire and Death blesses overrides any weapon effects that the blessed unit has (fairly certain of this), which means its suboptimal if you plan on using blessed thugs.

I'd go with either a Water, Earth, and/or an astral bless. Reinvigoration is still important with lifeless units (since otherwise fatigue spells can be used to stop them), and the added protection does help. And astral bless is very useful in preventing them from being controlled/other anti-magic/lifeless being'd spells.

But in general, the water bless is better, though I'd probably only go for light blesses with them and deck out a rainbow instead. An Air Bless may work, but probably not. A light death bless is also effective (though keep in mind it's main utility is against another nation's thugs and such).

My main beef with a water bless is that high level water doesn't go into anything. Combined with death and you get Wendigoes and frozen, but Agartha as a nation demands heat so the latter aren't as useful (you can get Kraken, ofc).
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