Originally Posted by LDiCesare
Sure : For 10 gems or so, you have a MR 11 thug who dies to 1 thunderstrike.
Show me 10n-gem thug who doesn`t die to 1 thunderstrike.

And Pan should roll in N gems.
Just like a bane. Only bane gets dust2dust instead of soulslain.
The +3 berserk and magic weapon also matters little when you end up trampling most of your opponents,
Most thugs are at least size 3. All ponymen nations, Caelum, giants, banelords...
A fort-turn is better spent buying a dryad most of the time, or a Pan, unless there is no lab or temple in the fort.
Yes, but not if Eagle Kings come knocking.
Also, a sleeper will be less effective against thugs, but more so against human-sized troops
Against common humans you have common minotaurs - just trample them into dust. Also centaur archers. And revelers.
Also, lycanthropos amulets eventually turn your units into werewolves
So what? Werewolf is weaker - but he also has his uses (assuming, your minotaur lives long enough to be turned into one - thug life expectancy is rather short)
So, yes, what you describe is a very strong thug against size 3 thugs that don't have chaff shields
and can't cast MR-negating or AN-damage spells.
No. 29 HP is enough to live through couple AN spells, unless it`s soulslay-grade.