Thread: A few questions
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 08:12 PM

Boksi Boksi is offline
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Default Re: A few questions

Just a short FYI - I'm using CBM, not vanilla.

Anyway, I've been considering whether to use a water or fire bless(and yes, I'm rather set on using a major bless, but this is just SP dicking around anyway). The water bless seems to benefit the golems more, but a fire bless combines well with a midget masher for thugging with ancient ones. But maybe that's too niche?

With how encumbered ancient ones are, especially with cold blood, extra actions are just gonna fatigue them even more. An earth minor would help with that though, and a girdle of might gives some reinvig as well.

So I've made two pretenders. One is a F9/E4 Dormant Forge Lord with Dom7 Turmoil 3 Prod 3 Heat 1 Growth 0 Luck 0 Drain 2
The other is a W9/E4 Imprisoned Ageless Olm with 7Dom and similar scales except Magic 0.

I don't really have the time to test them out right now though. Does anybody have any thoughts on them? Would it be worth it to drop Prod 3 for Magic 1 and try to rely more on attentive statues?
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