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Old April 25th, 2012, 11:32 AM
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Default How to counter devils

I am right now in an MP game playing as EA Abyssia (it is CBM) and the opponent is using devils against me with a great success. While I understand that it is me who has to have a lot of devils - dodnt judge me too strong - i took over another guy who did not bother with bloodhunting.
I have const 6 Conj 9 blood 8 researched. And i have 2 archdevils and 2 ice devils sumoned. Basically i would be interested in some SC design to be able to kill armies of 30-40 devils without some unique artifacts.
My first idea was to get Archdevis with frost brand, eye shield, horror helmet, hydra skyn armor, boots of the messenger, amulet of luck and heart of life. But may be there are some better designs? For example, may be it would be more effective to arm him with athame to lifedrain? I have phoenix pyre researched so extra reinvig might help....
Anyway any ideas would be highly appreciated
P.S. i have quite a good magic diversity so almost any items can be considered
Blood to the god of Blood.
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