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Old April 26th, 2012, 03:41 PM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: Jomon: The Courts of the Ryu

A lot of suggestions, some small, some very large in scale and impact have come in since HappyKatanakka started. I aim to see that feedback taken advantage of, even if our official test game isn't close to being over. So what I'm going to do is over the weekend I'll be creating several alternate versions of the MA Jomon mod. These versions will be released in parallel and be considered candidate versions for inclusion in our future release. Legowarrior and I, as well as any other people who are interested, will try them out, post our findings here in this thread and use that to inform what should go into the next full version of the mod. These candidate mods will be divided by how greatly they deviate from the current state of the core mod (v1.2). The first will have only slight tweaks, while the last will be a very different beast altogether.

Here's what is planned for the candidate mods:
MA Jomon 1.2a: Small Changes
1) Samurai Cavalry: heavy lance changed to light lance
2) Onna-Bushi: base defense lowered from 16 to 14 (making it an effective 13 with naginata defense penalty)
3) Wokou Captain: new magic paths are W1 + .25xA. -2 research penalty. Gold cost increased from 40 to 50.
4) Onmyo-ji: Fortune Teller reduced to LA Jomon defaults (6 -> 4)
5) Saigu: Made Old, Unrest reduction power lowered from 4/turn to 2/turn
6) Ryujin: Loses auto-cast Divine Blessing, gains auto-cast Power of the Spheres

MA Jomon 1.2b: Larger Changes
1) Everything from version 1.2a
2) Miko: removed from the list of recruitables
3) Adding the Samurai of the Ryu. It's a sacred, amphibious yari samurai with stats similar to the Aka-Oni Samurai of LA Jomon. Recruitable only from capital and UW forts.
4) Envoy of Ryu: magic paths increased to W2H2 + 1xFAEN + .1xFAWEN. Recruitable only from capital and UW forts. Gold cost increased from 150 to 180.

MA Jomon 1.2c: WTF?!
1) Samurai Cavalry: heavy lance changed to light lance
2) Onna-Bushi: base defense lowered from 16 to 14 (making it an effective 13 with naginata defense penalty)
3) Wokou Captain: removed from recruitment
4) Miko: removed from the list of recruitables
5) Onmyo-ji: Fortune Teller reduced to LA Jomon defaults (6 -> 4)
6) Saigu: Made recruit-anywhere. Gold cost reduced from 350 -> 300. Unrest reduction power lowered from 4/turn to 1/turn. Loses -1 to all paths (including holy) when outside it's home province. Not old.
7) Ryujin: Dragon form auto-casts Divine Bless, Humanoid form auto-casts Power of the Spheres (note you can't get both spells by toggling between forms mid-battle; only cast at very start of combat)
8) Adding the Samurai of the Ryu. It's a sacred, amphibious yari samurai with stats similar to the Aka-Oni Samurai of LA Jomon. It has homesickness 100% (dies after it leaves it's home province) but when it dies it assumes a permanent second form, identical to first form but not sacred (gold cost will be reduced for second form to keep upkeep the same). Will have better stats/abilities than 1.2b version. Recruitable only from capital and UW forts.
9) Envoy of Ryu: magic paths increased to W2H2 + 1xFAEN + .1xFAWEN. Recruitable only from capital and UW forts. Gains sailing. Leadership increased from 10 to 40. Gold cost increased from 150 to 195.
10) Summon Kohona Tengus spell removed from MA Jomon spell list.
11) Contact Kohona Tengus spell created (Conj-3, A1E1, 2 air gems, gets you 3 Kohona Tengus).
12) Contact Kohona Tengu Flock spell created (Conjuration-7, A3E1, 20 air gems, gets you 40 Kohona Tengu)

If you have any opinions on what should or shouldn't be included in these three candidate mods, speak up now because I'll be making them fairly soon. Of course, general feedback is welcome at any time.

Last edited by shatner; April 26th, 2012 at 04:08 PM..
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