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Old April 26th, 2012, 11:38 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns 1-3)

Turn Five:
Girls on Film

Today’s turn AAR is brought to you by Duran Duran (damnit I cannot overstate how important it is that you hit that turn title link)

This attack goes better. I fixed the scripting a little bit and the chariots do a great job to trample the light infantry and chase the fleeing heavy cavalry.

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Normally I would continue expanding around the capital to secure some resources but the heavy cavalry to the north seem too tough so I am sending my expansion party (plus chariots) eastwards to fight some wolf-tribe warriors and claim a low-income wasteland province. Meanwhile my philosopher is heading back to the capital to hit the books.

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Not shown here I am also recruiting another barbarian commander to help shuttle forces around.

Things are pretty quiet for arco for now so there is not too much to write about. At this point I can see from the graphs that I am not doing too well relative to nations like formoria, r’leyh and others… that doesn’t bother me too much yet though (that will happen later).
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