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Old April 27th, 2012, 01:04 AM

Warhammer Warhammer is offline
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Default Belated Turn 2 Caelum

Been really busy here with stuff going on, realize I am late. Will fill in pictures when I get a chance.

Turn 2
What lies beyond our lands? Who will be the first to be converted? A province devoid of independent troops, this is an excellent development!

Our first target is the province of Halbathria. This is an undefended province which is ideal for us at this stage of the game. The income is not great, but the resources are good, which will be a benefit if we get enough cash to make some additional troops over and above our Eagle Kings.

Now would probably be a good time to discuss my pretender.

This is my pretender. In addition to the above, I have taken scales of O-S3C3G1L3D2. I have taken sloth since we’re not building a ton of troops. I have taken Cold 3 for obvious reasons, we prefer it. Growth and Luck are for additional income, and drain was to gain additional points. Plus, any combat in my dominion I would like additional MR for my Eagle Kings since they are Magic Beings and subject to some nasty spells.

Regarding magic paths, I have decided to take an E9S4N4 bless. Why? First, we are relying on the Eagle Kings which are sacred units, the E9N4 is great for them. The E9 for additional protection and regeneration and the N4 for regeneration and to keep afflictions from piling up on them. The S4 helps their magic resistance, plus I knew I needed some S on the pretender.

Why do I need S, and why did I focus on Conjuration first? Well, there is this nice unit called a Yazad.

These guys are better than any of our standard units. They are summoned at a 1:1 astral pearl to unit rate. They are 100% lightning resistant and they have a cold resistance of 50%. They are sacred and have awe. All the blessings that are bestowed upon my Eagle Kings are also bestowed here. These guys are the ideal escorts for my Eagle Kings. My expansion strategy will be to save up enough pearls generated by my pretender, and then on turn 5 or 6, summon the Yazatas. I can send out 3 Eagle Kings with 2 Yazatas as escorts. By then, shock wave should be researched and I can rain down lightning on independent troops. There are two unit types I fear, barbarians due to their higher than average morale, and archers. Anything else, I should be able to handle with little to fear.

Added Bonus, turns 3 and 4!

Turn 3
One item I noticed in the Hall of Fame. Abysia has received their hero Malphas. That is not a good sign. He is a very strong commander. Also, it appears that my neighbor to the north is Helheim. This is not great, but not terrible. His glamour troops will not do well against my archers, and my troops will not do well against his ground pounders. We’re best finding other avenues of advance.

Turn 4
Not much has happened this turn.

Essentially we are continuing our build towards a quick strike force of Eagle Kings backed by Yazatas. We move our research to alteration in these turns to get Mirror Image and Stoneskin.
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